Every system of the body– circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestion, etc. – depends on optimal function of the nervous system. Blocked communication causes interference with muscles and organs. Because muscles attach to bone, assessing bones and surrounding muscles give insight into how well the body and brain are communicating.
How Your Brain & Body Communicate
brain and body send signals up and down spinal cord
signals travel from spinal cord to peripheral nerves
peripheral nerves connect to muscles and organs
The body is self-healing
Chiropractic care is based on the belief that the body was designed for health and vitality, not sickness and disease. It is a vitalistic approach to treating the body from the inside out, rather than the conventional model of treating from the outside in.
For the Whole Family
Chiropractic care isn’t just for pain management in fact we see entire families in our office. Chiropractic care can have benefits for someone no matter your age.