

NET ~ Neuro Emotional Technique

NET is a pyscho-emotional therapy focused on healing the body and its stress-related responses by targeting the physiological foundations of those conditions. Emotional responses have physiological foundations in the form of amino acid chains that are carried throughout the body. NET Therapy deals with these physiological components of our most stress-inducing and traumatic experiences, helping the mind and body heal from these experiences permanently. 

When impactful or traumatic negative emotions and experiences occur they leave behind physiological marks on the body. These can impair both the mind and the body from ever truly healing, thus leaving you with unexplained stressors or physical pains until these emotions are addressed this blocks and prevent your body from ever truly healing. NET helps to treat these symptoms by tracing them back to the physiological location in the body, helping to overcome any existing pyscho-emotional blocks and trauma from past events.

NET’s aim is not to cure the patient; rather, the therapy can be used comprehensively with other therapies to remove psycho-emotional blocks that may aid in the ability of the body to repair itself naturally.


  • Headaches

  • Body Pains

  • Phobias

  • General Anxiety

  • Self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Organ dysfunctions

I was having a tension headache onset every time after I cried as well as clenching my jaw through the night. After 3 NET sessions and adding in some simple mineral support I have had no headaches and the clenching has significantly decreased, to almost non-existent.
— Taylor L.