Getting Adjusted Correct Improper Movement of the Spine
A lot of neurophysiology takes place when an adjustment is received. Too much movement causes background noise in the brain because of overstimulation of the muscle fibers. Too little movement causes lack of communication to the brain and the brain is left to fill in the gaps with past experiences which may not be applicable or appropriate for the situation at hand. Adjustments realign the communication network between the brain and the body.
What is Chiropractic?
Every system of the body– circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestion, etc. – depends on optimal function of the nervous system. Blocked communication causes interference with muscles and organs. Because muscles attach to bone, assessing bones and surrounding muscles give insight into how well the body and brain are communicating.
How Your Brain & Body Communicate
brain and body send signals up and down spinal cord
signals travel from spinal cord to peripheral nerves
peripheral nerves connect to muscles and organs
Benefits of Getting an Adjustment:
Brain + Body Connection
Less headaches
More focused energy + less brain fog
Relieved back and neck pain
Reproductive health (fertility, pregnancy, and post-partum)
Deeper sleep
Healthy aging
Improved Digestion
Supported immune system
Adjustments can be done at any age from minutes old to decades old, getting adjust helps bring connection back to your brain & body which helps bring your body heal the way God designed.